Sunday, September 7, 2014

August went fast!/Illinois State Fair

Wow! Time is getting away from me! I had such a great routine down, posting at least once a week but I haven't had time to gather my thoughts and write. So much has happen this past month, we packed up a good portion of our home so it would be ready to put on the market, looked for a new home, Nolan started preschool, Nora has been potty training/sleeping in a big girl bed for a month now and my small crafting business that I started in the beginning of this year, has really taken off! My "free moments" at home are spent making things to sell! Keeping up with everyday tasks has been a challenge!

Fair Time!

Between the rain and Ryan being out of town, we did not get a chance to take the kids this year. My mom, Aunt Sara and I all had a morning free and decided to take the kids the last Friday of the fair. I think we got just about everything in before naps!

Farm animals, check! Fair food, check! Butter cow, check! Milking the cow, check! Conservation world, check! Big yellow slide, check! Riding rides, check!

Nora must have gotten a fry with vinegar on it!  

 Butter Cow

 Nora loved the farm animals. Not sure they loved her...she screamed every time she looked at a different animal!

 Having fun!

Vose Corn Dogs!

Dip n Dots

 This was their favorite thing they did and had been waiting weeks to do it! When we would drive by the fair, Nolan would ask if we could go down it! MoMo and Nolan in the back and Nora and I in the front.
 This is Nolan's first big ride. MoMo and I were a little scared once the ride got went pretty fast and was jerky!

Nora loved this ride!

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