Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ahhh...Those Summer Days & Nights!

Summer around the Davlin Household is a time to enjoy the outdoors, long hours of daylight, fun activities and nice weather we always long for after a harsh winter. Although I'm always ready for fall by the end of summer (fall is my favorite season) I do love the relaxing nights that we had in the beginning of this summer!

Our favorite thing to do when the weather is nice! We LOVE eating outside! The kids really enjoy it because the get to play outside while we are preparing dinner. Some days, we eat all three meals outside! (Don't mind Nora, she got water on her shirt!) 

Sunday nights are usually spent at my parent's house for dinner and after dinner, we always go on a buggy ride and play outside. This is a pic of the kids running down their hill in the backyard.

 Some slip n slide fun

Good Bye Summer:(

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