Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sesame Street Live

I'm just a bit behind on this! I finally remembered to get pictures from my mom:) Her and I took Nolan and Nora to Sesame Street Live when they were in town. Boy did these kids have a blast! Ryan had to stay home to finish the last few things on our "to do list" before we put our house on the market.
This was their first show they have ever experienced and it was a lot of fun to watch them react to it! They couldn't believe that the Seasame Street characters were on stage singing to us. Definetly a cool experience for everyone that went!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pics from Ryan's Phone

I was looking on Ryan's phone for a picture he took for me and realized he actually takes picture of our sweet babies! I think he may let them take a few as well! Ryan always said he would post on the blog...this counts, right?

 I am just guessing but I think this is at Aunt Mal's & Uncle Dylan's work. Ryan took the kids to have lunch with them and then visit their office. I was at home packing up our house to move.

 I think this was a before church picture.

Dad was left in charge while I was in St. Louis helping my mom take my brother to the airport. It was a nice 24 hour get away!

 This was probably when I was in St. Louis as well because I have not put the kids in snow hats yet! Lol!

I caught you Ryan! I believe this is in Miller's garage?!
Ryan took a pic of me at our over-due date night. I had just chopped my hair off that night. Guess it is always good to have a picture of myself on here for the kids to look back at. Turning the big 30 in a week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nolan's First Day of Preschool :) :(

Nolan started his first day of preschool at Blessed Sacrament on August 21st. He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11am and is in the 3 year old class.

When Ryan and I dropped Nolan off on his first day, I think he thought we were going to stay. He started to tear up and I told him that I would be back soon and then he asked if he could wave to us from the window. Thank goodness because one of the aids was getting ready to hold him while I made my exist. You could only see him from his eyes on up (which made him extra cute and sad to leave) but he waved for awhile and then walked away! Easier than I thought! 

Nora and I went with the Cicci's to have a coffee, snack and some support after dropping the boys off on their first day of school. While it was hard let Nolan go somewhere else without me, I'm so glad that he is learning and growing. 

It is weird to just have one child at home in the morning as well as one child to run errands with! I'm getting a lot of things checked off my list. Ryan takes Nolan to school in the morning and Nora and I pick him up. I love that Nolan and his Dad get this time in the morning to talk. They truly are buddies:)

Ahhh...Those Summer Days & Nights!

Summer around the Davlin Household is a time to enjoy the outdoors, long hours of daylight, fun activities and nice weather we always long for after a harsh winter. Although I'm always ready for fall by the end of summer (fall is my favorite season) I do love the relaxing nights that we had in the beginning of this summer!

Our favorite thing to do when the weather is nice! We LOVE eating outside! The kids really enjoy it because the get to play outside while we are preparing dinner. Some days, we eat all three meals outside! (Don't mind Nora, she got water on her shirt!) 

Sunday nights are usually spent at my parent's house for dinner and after dinner, we always go on a buggy ride and play outside. This is a pic of the kids running down their hill in the backyard.

 Some slip n slide fun

Good Bye Summer:(

My Little Helpers

Nolan has always been a great helper and hard worker! I try and have chats with him about his sister wanting to do everything he does so he should be a good example and finally, it has paid off! Nora wants to help too! Nora will not go as long as Nolan will (we have to tell him to stop working and go have some fun or take a break) with helping around the house but at least she is picking up good habits!

 Nolan is really into washing dishes and Nora is really into saying "Me too, like Nollie"

Nolan helping my Grandpa (his GranPo) clean the garage. We stopped by for a lunch visit and he immediately wanted to help!

 Nora helped my Grandma (her Nermo) water the flowers.

 Nolan and Dad installing his new fan and light fixture (every light fixture in the house has now been updated!)

This has to be my favorite! I was washing windows and he was suppose to be getting dressed and wanted to take over! So serious! (I always wondered what the neighbors think of us? lol)

Believe it or not, we do lay around and take a load off! This was one of the many rainy days we had.

August went fast!/Illinois State Fair

Wow! Time is getting away from me! I had such a great routine down, posting at least once a week but I haven't had time to gather my thoughts and write. So much has happen this past month, we packed up a good portion of our home so it would be ready to put on the market, looked for a new home, Nolan started preschool, Nora has been potty training/sleeping in a big girl bed for a month now and my small crafting business that I started in the beginning of this year, has really taken off! My "free moments" at home are spent making things to sell! Keeping up with everyday tasks has been a challenge!

Fair Time!

Between the rain and Ryan being out of town, we did not get a chance to take the kids this year. My mom, Aunt Sara and I all had a morning free and decided to take the kids the last Friday of the fair. I think we got just about everything in before naps!

Farm animals, check! Fair food, check! Butter cow, check! Milking the cow, check! Conservation world, check! Big yellow slide, check! Riding rides, check!

Nora must have gotten a fry with vinegar on it!  

 Butter Cow

 Nora loved the farm animals. Not sure they loved her...she screamed every time she looked at a different animal!

 Having fun!

Vose Corn Dogs!

Dip n Dots

 This was their favorite thing they did and had been waiting weeks to do it! When we would drive by the fair, Nolan would ask if we could go down it! MoMo and Nolan in the back and Nora and I in the front.
 This is Nolan's first big ride. MoMo and I were a little scared once the ride got going...it went pretty fast and was jerky!

Nora loved this ride!