Friday, August 14, 2015

Nora's trip to the ER

Nora had been running a fever on and off for a few days, along with making frequent trip to the bathroom:( At first we thought she might of eaten something she shouldn't of (she has been dairy-free since February) or she had something that was going around? She hadn't been herself since Wednesday and it was now the weekend. When the girl asks us to put her to bed for a nap, you know something is wrong!

Her diarrhea got worse and she may or may not have had blood in it. I went ahead and called tell-a-nurse to see if I should take her to prompt care before they closed. She recommended just that. We were the only ones there and Nora did not seem like herself.  They wanted us to go to the bathroom to get a sample and only blood came out...which bought us a ticket straight to the emergency room:( They wouldn't even tell me what it could be, just to leave now.

It was late by the time we got to the ER and boy is it interesting on a Saturday night! After getting checked in, Nora had to go to the bathroom and it was then that I panicked for the first time. There was blood everywhere! After telling the front desk, they took me straight to a room and the nurse came right in. Nora looked really white and out of it. Of course she didn't want the doctor to do anything when he came in (usually she's good, thanks to doc mcstuffins) but after examining her, he said she didn't need surgery tonight (I'm thinking...hmm that's great but that thought didn't even cross my mind! Phew!) and that there appeared to be no internal bleeding. From there, they tried to give her fluids but they were unsuccessful trying to find a vein that would take. Poor baby:(  They were able to get blood work via her thumb for tests so that was good. My mom met us at the hospital. I still felt awful so it was nice having her there. We were sent home very late that night and were told to follow up with her pediatrician in the beginning of the week. The next day we had Nolan's two birthday parties, so I was happy to see my bed when I got home!

We followed up with her pediatrician and they took her blood again and ran a bunch of tests. The tests came back by Wednesday morning (Nolan's bday) and they wanted to get us into see a specialist that afternoon. They also told us not to be surprised if they want to keep her over night so to pack a bag. What?! Not exactly what you want to do on your son's birthday but we went ahead and did our morning/lunch plans with the birthday boy at Chuckie Cheese.

When we got to the specialist, they told us she didn't seem as bad as the tests were showing and they wanted to retest her. Nora was not happy because they had to draw her blood again:( The next day we had to take stool samples at home which showed that she had an infection in her intestines.  They also found that she was allergic to milk, egg whites and dustmites. After two weeks of strong antibiotics, she seemed to be doing a lot better! There is still one thing they need to test for when we follow up that was not normal on her tests.

I'm hoping we can start to introduce dairy again by the end of the year. Since last December, she has been having issues and I'm not a doctor but I think she might have had the infection since then? They said it could be possible or she could have gotten it when the fever hit. Either way, it is good to know that she's getting better!

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