Sunday, August 30, 2015

Backyard Demo

Our backyard is one thing we compromised on when buying our new house. We knew we probably wouldn't find a backyard as big as the one at our first house so we had to utilize our space. Everything was over grown! The spaces did not make sense for us either. The lot hat our house sits on is a good size but it is right in the middle, leaving us with 4 small yards, only two of them are fenced in.

Before pics. The vine fence.

Before. Grapes were growing up top!

BoBo was on chainsaw duty.

Fence going down to open up side and back yard.

Hard working guys!

Ryan knocked  down all the flowers in plants in a matter of minutes!

Nolan mimickes everything the guys did!

Lots more room now. Still a lot of work to do!

Mommy/Nolan Date

We try to do things with the kids one-on-one so I thought shopping for school supplies and lunch would be the perfect date! Plus, they are angels when by themselves! So enjoyable:)

Nolan is ALWAYS running errands with his dad and helping him so it was nice to have him all to myself! My mom took Nora to run errands and eat lunch so they had fun too!

We went to Target and he helped me find all the supplies we needed. He is so excited to start pre-k. This summer he actually asked when he gets to go back to school!

Nolan loves the broccoli cheese soup at Panera so that's where we decided to have lunch...and great conversation:) I love listening to his thought and ideas. Sometimes he can be the most detailed little boy! The things he says always amazes me.

What a fun morning!

Nolan's 4th Birthday. June 17th, 2015

Our four year old has grown from a toddler to a sweet, charming, consider and happy young boy. Always busy playing with his sister and helping out around the house, he is so grown up! He told me the other day when I wasn't feeling very good, that I have a baby in my tummy and need to sit down and rest! He assured me that he would take care of me and finish the rest of the dishes! So sweet, I wanted to cry!

The Sunday before his birthday we had a kid party in the morning and a family party that same night. The kid party was suppose to be at the park and there was a pretty good chance of rain so we had the party at the house. Turned out really nice!

Nolan took his first trip to Chuckie Cheese on his actual birthday. They had a blast! 

I was so happy that Nolan enjoyed himself! Ryan met us there for lunch and a few games. After we left, Nolan went home with my mom while Ryan and I took Nora to her follow up appointment with the specialist.  We didn't know what we would be doing that night. They told us she would most likely be admitted to the hospital and to pack a bag. Talk about a bitter sweet day! We felt bad to leave Nolan on his birthday but they wanted to see her asap! Good news came from that over night stay and we just had to wait for tests to come back!

Out of order but we had a sundae bar at the family yummy! 

In between Nolan's two parties, Uncle Cory came by to take Nolan on a fun outting...Toys R US! I have never taken the kids here and told them to pick out whatever we they want so he was literally like a kid in a "toy store!"

His smile is contagious!

Awesome Paw Patrol cake by MoMo!

Davlin Family Vacation 2015: Part 1 Grayton Beach, Florida

My favorite picture of our vacation:)

Back in May, we took our first BIG family of four trip (it was technically family of 5 but we didn't know yet!) We have gone away for the weekend and taken small trips but this was our first time since we had Nora that we were gone for ten days. 
We went to Grayton Beach, Florida for four days and then to Clearwater, Florida for four days to see our friends get marrried. We stayed over night at a hotel while traveling down and over night on the way back. The kids loved every second of it! They got a big kick out of staying in the hotels and the beach house.

We had to stop at the rocket ship in Alabama.  This is something my family always did on the way down to Florida every year.

Nolan loved the rocket ship and was very impressed!

The kids insisted we get a picture together, so cute:)

Our positions in the car. We were actually pleasantly surprised with how well the kids did in the car. I packed lots of things for them to do and had them gift wrapped for them to open. They were little things to keep them occupied in the car. I only handed out one at a time when they were bored or not watching a movie.

Nora and I on a walk in the morning on Grayton Beach, collecting sea shells.

Applying sunscreen in our beach house, a daily routine before hitting the beach.

The last time we were at Grayton Beach, Nolan was 10 months old and I was pregnant with Nora.  We went with my mom's side of the family and had a blast!

Life is simple at the beach...this is all we did. They are the perfect age for keeping busy playing in the water and sand. We got there every morning, packed our lunch and snacks for the day and stayed until we had enough sun. 

Gorgeous water! The tide left a "mini pool" that was warm and the kids loved playing in!

More pics will be added once I get them from Ryan. They include our visits to The Red Bar and Seaside.