Monday, January 26, 2015

"Snow Days"

I always think it would be nice to live somewhere warm or maybe a place with a little more pizazz when it comes to outdoor scenery but every time a new season approaches, I'm excited. I like the "change" of pace and all of the things "to do" with a season.

Spring brings warmer weather and allows us to finally do outside activities and enjoy all the new blooms. Can't forget baseball too. Summer allows us fun activities in the sun and long nights of playing outside. Fall has a beautiful scenery with football and bonfires and pumpkin carving. While winter can give us bitter cold weather and a few snowy activities outside, to me it means that we can stay put inside. I enjoy being home and hanging out. The kids and I in lougne clothes, playing with their toys, getting projects done, introducing a new craft project to the kids, catching up on laundry/household work, taking a good nap, drinking hot tea in the's nice to have the "excuse" to not go out. I don't like taking the kids out unless I have to when it's really cold. I know it's not for everyone but I like the feeling of being "snowed in." I guess it takes the pressure off me as far as errands go and the kids and I have all sorts of fun!

On the nicer winter days, we have enjoyed a few inside activities. After the holidays, there isn't a lot going on it is kinda nice to just slow down.

I took Nora to Barnes and Noble for the first time by herself and boy did she have a blast! Being my book worm, she was in heaven when we walked in! After we got a snack and a drink, she "read" so many books while we were there. She even started up a conversation with a boy. I heard her ask him his name and then she pointed to me and said "That's my Mom and I'm me."  She usually introduces herself as Sissy Nora so it was cute:) It was fun to see her interact with someone she doesn't know and made me realize we are not around a lot of kids her age. After leaving she told me how much fun she had and left me wondering why I hadn't done that sooner? Between moving and the holidays, we have been so busy and it's nice to slow down. That's what I love about January and February, it's just not as busy around our house.

The kids and I also made a trip to the mall after we picked Nolan up from school. We basically had the whole mall to ourselves. It was the first time I had taken them there without a stroller by myself. The parking lot part still scares me (mainly due to the motion doors in and out of the mall...Nolan kept running) but definelty doable! I let the kids play on the riding toys, walk around, went on the carousel ride at the shoe store, cookies and an icey and the highlight of the afternoon...the elevator or as Nolan calls it "the machine". We ran into one of my friends and her little boy so Nolan asked if they wanted to come for a ride and all three kids were screaming when they got off! Ahhh...the little things that make them happy:) we stayed and hung out in the play center until an older boy taught Nolan how to jump off of something (is it wrong that I'm scared when my kids go to school full time and pick up things?) That little boy came up to me and said he was older and taught Nolan how to do it...I wanted to roll my eyes at him but just looked at Nolan and said not to do it again...after all, I guess Nolan probably teaches kids things they don't know... Like when we were at McDonald's play area the other day with my mom and sister and he was beating on the drums singing, " Boom clap, make you feel good, come on to me, come on to me now." As I'm running towards him in slow motion to lower his voice...Repeat. Repeat. My sister looked at me and laughed. I didn't look up to see what the other parents were doing but it was time to leave anyway. On the way home, the song came on the radio coincidentally and I "retaught" him the words, "Boom clap, make you feel good, come on let's see, come on let's see now." Hopefully it will stick?! I was trying not to laugh the whole time! I guess I should look for my children's CDs I have misplaced?!

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