Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve at home with the kids.

I never really care what we do on NYE. It is fun to get dressed up and go to dinner but I love staying home too. We didn't have a babysitter so we stayed in with the kids and had a great time! As I have gotten older, the thought of lounging on the couch in sweat pants, ordering take out and having a glass of champagne while the kids play is very appealing to me!

I worked a half a day and I went to pick up the kids up at my parent's house. We ended up staying to eat before their NYE party started. Ryan cleaned to house and went to the store for us (love this) and we came home and had snacks while sipping on some champagne. Ryan got sparking kids champagne and boy were they excited! I'm pretty sure this was the highlight of their night:)

We decided to have a NYE party with the kids around 8:00pm and then put them to bed by 9:00pm because my sister and Seth were coming over to play Mexican Train. The kids would not go to bed and we decided to let them stay up and "crash" whenever...10pm-still up...11pm-still up...midnight-still up...12:30-Seth and Sara left. We layed down with them and they went to bed in no time! Can't believe they wouldn't fall asleep on the couch while watching a show while we played our game. Not sure we will try that approach for awhile! I think they are night owls like us:)

We are looking forward to what this year brings! Happy New Year!!!!!

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