Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chicago: visits, birthdays and family pics

Back in November, we took a break from unpacking the house and headed up to one of our favorite cities to visit...Chicago! 

We stayed at Ryan's sister and brother-n-law's house to celebrate two of their three boy's birthdays. On our way home, we stopped and had lunch downtown with one of my best friends (Aunt Jennifer) before Casey took our family pictures. A lot was accomplished this weekend to say the least! 

We always have a lot of fun when we visit the Koehls! I love seeing the kids together as they get older and it's nice to just sit back and relax with everyone. Ronan and Keegan's birthday theme was a farm hoe down. I think my hubby got into it the most...

 Keegan and Shalaigh

Nolan and Ryan

 Nolan taking the tractor for a spin

The cookies were amazing!

 Ronan turned 3 and Keegan 1

Ryan and his sister Shalaigh

Mallory and Nora

On our way back home, as we were headed into the city to eat and take pictures. The kids were arguing who would see the city first!? Ryan and I couldn't believe that they knew to look for the "tall" city and that they thought it would only appear out of one window! Maybe they remembered our trip we took in May? 
"CogGo out my window!" "No, Chicago is out my window!"

When we got out of the elevator from the garage parking lot, Nolan said really loudly "this is amazin!" Everyone just looked at us and laughed! They were probably thinking he must not be a city kid if getting off of an elevator excites him! It was cold but we walked to millennium park cafe to eat and start pictures out there. Aunt Jennifer was already there and had drinks waiting...they did not have kids cups...not a good sign right? Would this be good practice for our kids to work on their behavior in restaurants!? 

Nolan sipping milk out of a to-go coffee cup.

Hoping full bellies=great little models

Here are just a few of the pictures we took downtown. The kids were SO good and very entertained. More to come.

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