Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Queen Chaperone

The other day my brother Cory asked for the web address to my blog and told me a few days later that my blog was just about my kids! I said that I already knew that and explained how I was tracking memories...blah blah I decided to write about a memory that I made with my cousin Anna who just won Miss Sangamon County Fair Queen 2014-2015. She asked if I could chaperone her to a county fair (the Queen must have someone with her at all times when wearing the crown and can not drive herself while attending events) and it worked out with Ryan and the kids for me to go, so we were off to the Jersey County Fair! It was a beautiful evening, maybe even a little cool as we were sitting outside watching both the Miss and Little Miss pageants. It was so nice to get to spend time with Anna and to experience what a great queen she is!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Just a fun Friday at the Fair

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this past week, who would have thought it would be 78 degrees in July! When Friday rolled around, I wanted to do something fun with the kids (Fridays can make you feel like pushing the cleaning and errands aside) that was outside before it got really hot again. Just as Ryan and I were discussing if the Vose's Corn Dog stand at the State Fair was open or not yet, my sister sent me a text that read "When does Voses open?" I swear we have esp or whatever it's called, we do this all the time! The plan were set. Aunt Sara came over and we headed to the fairgrounds to play at the park (great park and there was no one else there) before we got a Vose's Corn Dog and Lemonade Shakeup! Mmmmm! The kids were really intrigued by the fair and wanted to know what things were so took a mini tour before heading to my grandparent's house for a visit before we headed home to take naps. I can't wait to take them to the fair in a couple weeks! Nolan keeps asking to go down the big yellow slide. What a great day!



Friday, July 18, 2014

5 Years and Counting...

Ryan and I celebrated (well the celebration part has been moved to this week) our five year wedding annivesary last Thursday! I can't believe that we have been together for 11 years, in our first house for six years, married for five years and have two beautiful children! I can't imagaine my life with anyone else. Love this exciting adventure we our on called life!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Fun, Family & the Fourth

We have had a busy week leading up to the Fourth of July at the Davlin household! Ryan and I both had family from out of town visiting, we celebrated my Mom's birthday and it was the Fourth of July! I love summer because of this reason. It seems like you get together with family more, there are more things to do and you can just enjoy being outside.

Our week started off at my parent's house for dinner to see my dad's cousin Kris and her husband Jim from Oregon. It was so nice visiting with them, it has been forever! Wish their three girls could have come!

MoMo & BoBo (my Mom & Dad) on her Birthday

Ryan's cousin Heidi and her two kids, along with his cousin Abbey, came to Springfield for a week to visit and we got to spend some time with them, along with their mom, Ryan's Aunt Kathy. After work we went over to Memo's house (Ryan, Heidi & Abbey's grandma) for dinner and to have some fun on the golf course. Memo lives on a golf course so the kids always enjoy running around and playing when no one is on the course. Heidi's kids are close in age with ours so they always have a good time together!


Nolan and Nora were so worn out from running around and playing golf (Ryan's Aunt was giving them golf lessons) they slept in late the next morning!

The 4th for us was a laid back-get a few things done around the house- kinda day. Exactly what we needed! After naps, we went to the Cicci's house for a cookout and the kids got to play outside. We had such a great time and the kids were so good. It was relaxing to hang out and watch them play. When it was close to firework time, the kids were still up and doing great so we went to Memo's house to watch the fireworks on the golf course. The kids loved the fireworks! Nora would run around screaming and giggle each time a firework went off! She was full of energy while Nolan was asking for his ni-nights and wanted to go home so we packed up the car and the kids went right to bed.

 The next morning we got going early to Centennial Park to walk a trail and let Nolan ride his bike. After he rode his bike on the trail for a little bit, Ryan took his bike back to the car and ran to catch up to us. Nolan wanted to get out of the stroller and "run" like Dad and I were while holding Well's (our dog) leash. We told him that he could get out of the stroller to run but if he didn't keep up he had to go back, thinking it would last for two seconds. Wouldn't you know it...he ran the whole way! Ryan and I kept looking at each other in disbelief but he was determined to jog while holding Well's leash! I liked it because it made me jog alongside him. It was weird to see a three year old running with his dog down a trail. Nolan made a lot of people laugh! 
When we were done, we went to my parent's house to cool down and swim. Aunt Sara joined us and Nolan and Nora showed off their new swim moves. Nolan no longer clings to us the entire time and can swim from myself to Ryan. Nora is like a little fish and is totally fearless!   


Later that night, we went took the kids to a wedding and had such a nice time! One of my best friend's mom got married and we were so happy to help them celebrate. What a great couple! After the ceremony, we went to Saputo's for a dinner reception and to our surprise, our kids were angels!They were polite and stayed in their seats! It probably helped having good food in front of them:) I know Ryan was thinking we can now do this all the time but I'm sure it was a one time thing! (Plus they were not-so-good at the church.) Nolan made a new friend while Nora laughed at everyone's jokes. We really enjoyed our kiddos! After the reception, we came across a few water fountains outside so we stopped and let the kids play before we headed home. What a beautiful night to be walking around downtown!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hill Family Wedding!

My cousin Kayla got married over the weekend and we had a great time helping the happy couple celebrate! Ryan and I love a good wedding! We usually go as a couple but this was a family wedding so we brought the kids. Let me just tell you the night goes a little differently! Some of my family stayed the night so we decided at the last minute to get a hotel room and the kids could crash whenever they felt like it. It sounded like a good plan that morning but that night we (Ryan) were ready to pack up the car at 10:00pm and take them home! They finally feel asleep and I got to go back down to the wedding to have some fun and helped out with the clean up crew.

Here are a few pictures from the day...

Kayla and I before the wedding.
My sister Sara & I.
The kids at the church. They were napping during the ceremony and came after to take family pictures. So sweet!
My cousin Jared and Nora. He is practicing being an uncle with my child! Haha! (He will be a uncle in August!)
Daddy and Nora on the dance floor. We had a few "practice" dance parties at home so the kids were ready for the dancing part of the wedding.
Mommy and Nolan
Both kids actually told us that they wanted to go ni-night...and it wasn't late either! Too bad they didn't go right into the room and fall asleep...that would have been too easy!

Watching two toddlers on the dance floor was exhausting for Ryan and I (as well as our helpers) but they were even more exhausted. We all had a lot of fun! We have another wedding this weekend and the kids are coming as well...think we are nuts? Stay tuned...