Friday, November 21, 2014

Our Trip to Scottsdale, Arizona

Ever need a little break from your busy schedule or a pause from your everyday routine? Well, we did! After moving into our new house, doing my first craft show and planning a birthday party for Nora, it was nice to get away!

I did my very first craft show with my friend Jen at SHG's Shopapoloza. It was a great first show and we had a lot of fun! Not to mention the fact it was nice to get out of the house and visit with people:) I didn't have my new craft room set up until a few days after we moved in so I had about 10 days to get ready for the show. After the kids went to bed, I stayed up every night until the wee hours of the morning making inventory to sell. My days were spent painting, unpacking, watching the kids and working. I was exhausted and Arizona couldn't of come at a better time! I also knew when I got back from the trip, I would have less than a week to get ready for Nora's 2nd birthday party and a month later, throw my sister's baby shower at our new house (so excited to meet the little guy!!!)

People may think this is nuts but I don't mind trying to run around and get things done in time for a party at our house. Sometimes that's the only way things get done around here:)

The kids were in good hands while we were in Arizona. They got a change of scenery while we enjoyed some time away. It's nice to go on an adult-only trip at least once a year. Ryan and I always make the time to do this. I think it's important and rejuvenates you as a parent and as a couple. Every parent needs a little break:) We are lucky to be able to leave the kids in good hands and appreciate the help we get from my parents. Nolan and Nora love staying the night there. My cousin stayed with the kids for part of this trip while my Dad was having knee surgery. The kids loved spending time with her!

We were in Arizona at the Phoenician Resort for Ryan's work conference. This conference always does a nice job with the events and even has activities to sign up for. Ryan always picks golf and this time my friends and I decided to do the hike up to camelback mountain. Beautiful! We had great weather while we were there. Nice and warm when laying by the pool but cool at night when we were outside having drinks on the patio. We went to Old Towne once for a late dinner and the next day for lunch and shopping. My purchases were typical Arizona purchases, turquoise jewelry and REAL cowboy boots! I've always had riding boots when I rode horses but never cowboy boots! It's been on my list for awhile and Ryan insisted I go home with a pair:)

I always enjoy the time I get to spend with Ryan when we are on a trip without the kids but miss them a lot at the same time! I feel like Cinderella when I get home! When you're away, you are not doing laundry, dishes, having kids at your feet whining, giving baths, keeping the house clean, making dinner, going from one place to the other on time...instead I had no agenda, actually had time to eat breakfast and drink my coffee without warming it up, climbed a mountain, laid by the pool, ate out, visited the spa for a massage, (great thing about spas at resorts is you can enjoy the amenities for the entire day that you book) got dressed up to have drinks and dinner every night and just simply did not do our everyday routine...ahhh...until next year!

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