Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nolan turns 3!

I'm sure I will be saying this every year from this point forward but I can't believe how old he is!? Nolan turned 3 on the 17th of this month and boy did we have a great day! He woke up to birthday balloons, presents, got to eat breakfast on our special birthday plate and coffee mug, (I let him pick out all of the meals for the day) went blueberry picking and swam at MoMo and BoBo's house before we had lunch. After the kids took a long nap (they were so worn out!) we had a family birthday party that night. The next morning we continued the celebration with some of my friends that I get together with that have kids the same age (along with Ashley who the kids adore) and had some fun in the backyard with the kiddie pools and sprinklers.

Nolan's smile it so contagious! He's a fun-loving, smart, energetic, hardworking (he "works" a little too much sometime) and is so thoughtful. I am thankful for everyday that I get to stay home with him. We have a lot of fun together! It is an honor to be his Mommy and I look forward to watching him grow and learn as he starts preschool this fall!

We picked way more than this but most of them ended up in their tummies! Nora didn't even have a bowl full, she just ate them right off the vine!
Nolan and MoMo swimming.
After lunch and naps, we got ready for the family birthday party.
Nolan picked a Caillou themed birthday party.  Both kids watch the show daily! They love it!
MoMo makes the cakes for all of the birthdays. What a cute cake! Homemade icing...yum!
Go Cubs!
MoMo & BoBo with Nolan
Cheese'n with the birthday boy:)
Nana and Papa Tom with the big boy!
Nolan & Mommy
Nolan with the "Greats"
Just another picture with Aunt Sara. I think they could have they're own photo album!
I did not have a chance to take pictures when the kids were over but my friend Jen caught this moment...picnic inside after enjoying the water activities. It was hot outside!
Happy Birthday Nolan!

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