Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Clubhouse Fun

It was a rainy spring day and the kids and I got out of the house to run a few errands. They were use to playing outside now and didn't like the fact that we had to stay inside. On our way home, we stopped by my work to say hi and ended up going home with our very own clubhouse! They had just received a large shipment and the girls thought it would provide hours of entertainment. They were right! The kids were so excited and couldn't wait to get home and put it up! It took up a large part of our back living room, which didn't bother me because it kept them occupied for awhile! Nolan and Nora both decorated their new clubhouse using crayons and markers. I cut a door at the front of the box (almost left it alone!) to get in and out a little easier for the kids! Oh how I miss the days when you knew they were safe in the pack n' play!


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