Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's getting of right now!

I went right to the computer after putting both of the kids to bed today to document this moment. Both kids were put into bed (Nora then Nolan) and they did not say a word, cry, want out of their room, ask for a glass of water or something to eat, didn't want to be rocked or read another book, they just laid down and went to sleep...WOW! Loving this afternoon because it probably will not happen again for awhile:)

I think I will lay in the sun and read a book now!

Nolan turns 3!

I'm sure I will be saying this every year from this point forward but I can't believe how old he is!? Nolan turned 3 on the 17th of this month and boy did we have a great day! He woke up to birthday balloons, presents, got to eat breakfast on our special birthday plate and coffee mug, (I let him pick out all of the meals for the day) went blueberry picking and swam at MoMo and BoBo's house before we had lunch. After the kids took a long nap (they were so worn out!) we had a family birthday party that night. The next morning we continued the celebration with some of my friends that I get together with that have kids the same age (along with Ashley who the kids adore) and had some fun in the backyard with the kiddie pools and sprinklers.

Nolan's smile it so contagious! He's a fun-loving, smart, energetic, hardworking (he "works" a little too much sometime) and is so thoughtful. I am thankful for everyday that I get to stay home with him. We have a lot of fun together! It is an honor to be his Mommy and I look forward to watching him grow and learn as he starts preschool this fall!

We picked way more than this but most of them ended up in their tummies! Nora didn't even have a bowl full, she just ate them right off the vine!
Nolan and MoMo swimming.
After lunch and naps, we got ready for the family birthday party.
Nolan picked a Caillou themed birthday party.  Both kids watch the show daily! They love it!
MoMo makes the cakes for all of the birthdays. What a cute cake! Homemade icing...yum!
Go Cubs!
MoMo & BoBo with Nolan
Cheese'n with the birthday boy:)
Nana and Papa Tom with the big boy!
Nolan & Mommy
Nolan with the "Greats"
Just another picture with Aunt Sara. I think they could have they're own photo album!
I did not have a chance to take pictures when the kids were over but my friend Jen caught this moment...picnic inside after enjoying the water activities. It was hot outside!
Happy Birthday Nolan!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Ryan's first Father's Day (three years ago) was spent taking our first baby home. It was a bitter sweet day, not only was it Ryan's first Father's Day without his Dad but we were so excited to go home as a family of three. I remembering smiling to myself when I realized that would be the day Nolan would come home. It was extra special. It's funny how things work out the way they do.

This year, Nolan's birthday did not fall on Father's Day or the same weekend as it has for the past two year so we had a lazy, laid back Sunday! Ryan got to sleep in, lay on the couch, watched sports, played outside with the kids, ran a few errands and enjoyed the nice weather. He deserved every minute of it...even though he kept referring to Father's DAY as Father's Day WEEKEND:) We ended the day with a nice dinner at my parent's house!

Cheesey moment before they unveiled the gift!
Since it was Father's Day WEEKEND, here are a few more pics from our fun family weekend together!
We went to Hyvee for the first time. I think Nolan had too much fun with the shopping cart and we went home with a few more things than planned!
First trip to ice deli for the summer.
Waiting on the porch for the boys to get ready so we decided to have a little photo shoot! She cracks me up, loves taking pictures...and that smile!
We had some time to pass before a store opened on Sunday so we made a pit stop at Stake n Shake for an early lunch.
The kids LOVE milkshakes! A "special treat" they call it.
Thanks to Ryan for all the things that you do for our family and for the wonderful Father you are! Our kids absolutely adore you and I love seeing parts of you in both Nolan and Nora. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Clubhouse Fun

It was a rainy spring day and the kids and I got out of the house to run a few errands. They were use to playing outside now and didn't like the fact that we had to stay inside. On our way home, we stopped by my work to say hi and ended up going home with our very own clubhouse! They had just received a large shipment and the girls thought it would provide hours of entertainment. They were right! The kids were so excited and couldn't wait to get home and put it up! It took up a large part of our back living room, which didn't bother me because it kept them occupied for awhile! Nolan and Nora both decorated their new clubhouse using crayons and markers. I cut a door at the front of the box (almost left it alone!) to get in and out a little easier for the kids! Oh how I miss the days when you knew they were safe in the pack n' play!