Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Clare Marie: 3 months old 3.30.16

At 3 months Clare is:
-smiling when you talk to her
-entertained by her siblings
-eating 6 to 7 times a day
-loves her hands
-still not letting her dad hold her for long periods of time!
-loves laying on her changing table
-is mommy's side kick (I had a board meeting the other day and the thought crossed my mind about bringing her along...what?!)
-sleeps for 8-10 hours with a 10 minute feeding at 5am and then back to bed.
-Clare went on her first vacation to St. George Island.

Clare is on a great schedule so far! She goes to bed between 9-9:30pm and wakes between 5-6am to feed for 10 minutes and then right back to bed until about 8-9am. I'm in love with this schedule she is on (knock on wood) because it allows me to accomplish a lot in the morning.  After her 5am feeding, I will put her back to bed and start my day before the older two get up around 6am. Ahhh, the simple things. Starting a load of laundry, working on my etsy shop and enjoying a cup of coffee is a good start to my day. I even turn on the news and catch what's happening in the world...they should have a ticker at the bottom of the kid stations! Lol

What a cute Cub fan! Cubs are awesome this year!!!

Her first time rolling ALL the way over! 
4 1/2 months! She had been working on this for awhile!

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