Saturday, May 28, 2016

Clare Marie's Baptism 2.13.16

MoMo helping us get ready for church...

She went the whole baptism with that pacifier in her mouth! 

Fr. Jeff baptizing Clare

The brother-sister godparents duo. Brad and Bridget Selinger. These two have been life long friends of ours. 

Nana & Tom

The Greats

MoMo & BoBo

Taylor & uncle Cory 

What a great evening celebrating Clare.

Easter Sunday 3.27.16

Since we've had kids, holidays have been even more enjoyable! Teaching our children traditions and spending time with family is what it's all about.

                       Clare's first Easter.

Nolan 4, Nora 3 & Clare 3 months.

Clare's Newborn Pictures

I decided to do Clare's newborn pictures myself this time around. I needed pictures for my shop as well so, why not. It's cold out and with us not going anywhere unless we need to, I got to play around with the camera...I mean my phone.

My behind the scenes helper.

This one didn't turn out but still had to add it!

Clare Marie: First two weeks of pics up to 1-12-16

Two weeks! Going by quick...she started smiling at us. This picture was taken in the middle of the night. 

"Can I hold her?" This is a constant question.

First pic with Clare's Great Grandparents.

Keeping her safe is my main challenge right now.