Monday, November 30, 2015

All things favorite season!

The kids and I love each season change and the fun activities that come with it!

Apple Barn Play date.

Love walking in Washington park by our house!  Especially when the leaves are changing colors! My sister and I took the kids for a walk. Great warm weather in October.

Nolan, Lane and Nora.

Usually this is not something we are watching this time of year! Such an exciting baseball season in our house. Go Cubs, Go! The kids know the entire song by heart:)

Bomke's Patch. In search of the perfect pumpkin!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

24 week pic with Baby #3

This picture was taken for my etsy shop but I was also 24 it became my 24 week pic for Baby #3

I have felt great in the second trimester! I realized I didn't have as much energy as I have had with the other two at this time but a blood test said I had low iron. As soon as I started taking medicine for it, my energy came back! 
Baby #3 is measuring right on time and still does not have a name!

End of summer/Working on my Etsy shop

The first part of the summer was spent hanging out and laying low due to my morning sickness.  The second half was spent working on my etsy shop that I opened in September. 

The kids have their own space in my craft room. They always had projects of their own going on!

Relaxing like BoBo he said.

Cherry Berry stop became a favorite. 

Lane's Baptism. Nolan and BoBo look alike.

Nora at first wasn't sure about modeling for my etsy shop but started to like it a lot when I paid her in candy:)

Ryan was helping Nolan build a motorcycle while Nora was working on her own project. I had to move my stuff to the dining room to fill a big order! 

Love the many faces of this girl!
 She actually knows what angles I need shots of and is really quick now!

Nolan's First Day of Pre-K Age 4

Wow! Need to catch up! I always make sure to load my pics onto the blog...I just forgot how many are sitting there! 

This is Nolan's first day of pre-k. Such a cutie! This kid LOVES school and is disapointed when it's not a school day! He goes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-11am. His teacher is Mrs. Stauffer and the class aid is Mrs. Bayer. 

This is my current favorite photo that I have taken of the kids. We had such a fun summer hanging out together, Nora was going to miss him:(

We ate lunch at the park and played after the first day of school!