Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Happy Easter

Easter this year had beautiful weather, good family times and too much candy for the kids (that last part I tried to control but they kept finding candy every place we went=sugar high for the day!)

We decided to go to the later mass so we wouldn't be rushed and could enjoy the morning. The Easter Bunny came and the kids were so excited to find the eggs he hid!

I even had time before mass to get a few pictures... but they wouldn't sit by each other:( I should have know this was a sign mass wouldn't go well. Usually our kids do better first thing at 8:30am mass because 10:30am is too close to lunch time. We knew it would be crowded and didn't want to get there too early because they wouldn't last long. When we got to church it was full:( I had the bright idea to go to the cry room/chapel that no one ever seems to use. Turns out, not such a good idea but we did get a seat. I'm not sure if the kids knew it was not in our routine to go to mass in there but they wouldn't sit and Nolan started taking his clothes off because it was too hot in there. We gave it a few minutes but decided it was best for everyone if we just left:( 
The good news was, Ryan's aunt and uncle live across the street so we got to visit with them (we usually do not get togther on Easter with that side) and wish them a happy easter before heading to my parent's house. 

Easter egg hunt at MoMo and BoBo's house. The kids participated in four that day!

After my parent's house, we decided to forego naps before we went to the next place. I was tired and needed a Starbucks so we got some coffee and looked back at both kids and realized they were asleep! I dropped Ryan off at his cousin's house and I drove around for a bit before parking at Washington park to work on my blog while enjoying my coffee:) Weird thing to do on Easter but the kids needed a nap. When they woke up, we met up with Ryan and enjoyed another hunt and some kite flying! Beautiful day! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

St. Patrick's Day...the best holiday around here!

One of the many things I loved about Ryan when we first started dating and still do to this day is his family and their love for St. Patrick's Day! Nolan and Nora's Nana is 100% Irish and their Paw Paw is pretty close to that too... I know, I messed up the gene pool...my children are half mut!

 It's not just about green beer and corn beef, it's about family and celebrating together. It is a lot less hectic than Christmas because you don't have the craziness of preparing for the day and getting all of your stuff done. You simply just enjoy the holiday and the company:)

We have had pre-parade St. Paddy's parties in the past but this one was a lot of fun because we got to have it in our new home! We had Ryan's two sisters and their families stay with us and enjoy the festivities for the weekend!

Thursday we went to the Sons and Daughter's of Erin dinner which is always a good time and kicks the weekend off right!  Friday we got ready for the party and welcomed our seven house guests. Saturday was filled with fun at the parade and party. Sunday we had brunch at Tara and Matt's house before the out-of-towners went back. Successful holiday if you ask me!

Memo, Aunt Kathy and I had already kicked the week off right by decorating our house and getting ready for the big party...couldn't have done it without their help and my parent's help with our kids!

Family of Ryan's mom's side (Conway/Brennan) decided to do a float this year for the parade and we had a blast walking with it!

Mal and Ryan passed out green carnations at the parade in memory of their dad. It was something he did whenever he was in the parade. What a great way to remember such a great Irishman!