Friday, December 26, 2014

Great-Grand Babies

This is the first picture with all three great grand babies on my mom's side of the family. 

In the picture: Nolan 3 years old (our oldest), Rosalie 3 months (Joel & Amanda's) and Nora 2 years old (our youngest). The fourth baby is on the way, not pictured- due in February (Sara & Seth).

Nolan calls my grandparents GrandMo & GrandPo, while Nora calls them Nermo & Pop Pop! 

This seems to be a theme when I'm writing in my blog but I can't believe how fast everything is going! My cousins/sibling are having babies and creating another generation! All of the cousins were lucky enough to grow up in the same town and now are babies will get to do the same:)
They are going to have so much fun !

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Half Birthday & Haircuts

At preschool they celebrate half birthdays for those kids that have summer birthdays. They celebrated Nolan's, along with few other birthdays the day before his actual half birthday. I didn't know if he would get the concept but he told me what day it was and that they got to have a treat in class!

After school, my sister and I took the kids to Cozy Dog to eat before she gave them a haircut. This was Nora's first time getting a trim all over! They were so good! 

Having lunch

Nolan was up first

If you know Nolan, he has to clean up after himself!

Nora waiting patiently

Nora's before picture

During...she was soooo good!

Nora's after picture:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Straying away from our "schedule" on a beautiful fall day!

It was just one of those days where everyone was in a good mood (at the same time) and the fall air made you want to get out and enjoy yourself...and that's exactly what we did!

As a Mom, I have always tried to remember that the days go by so quickly and my little ones will no longer be so little. I will not be able to stop what I'm doing on a nice day and take them to the park and go somewhere special for a treat "just because." They will have school schedules and activities to participate in. I never want to wish time away. I want to soak it all up! Sometimes I do have to remind myself that it's ok to "stop" our daily routine or maybe put the items on our to-do-list on "hold" to take a moment out of life and just sit back and enjoy. This is probably one of my favorite things to do with the kids. Most of the time it is last minute but that's what is most exciting!

After Nora and I picked Nolan up at school, we went home for a quick lunch. I told them I had a special afternoon planned for them...I just love how excited the kids get when I mention "special." We drove out to the Apple Barn to pick out pumpkins (a week before Halloween, a little late but at least there wasn't a crowd!) and get a pumpkin treat from their bakery. After our bellys were full and the apple cider slushy was gone, we were off to Washington Park. It has been so nice to have the park that close since we've moved. The kids love it and I love the convince of it. We played...and we played...and we played! It was so nice to have just my car keys and the tablet in my hand to take some pics (phone in the car=my full attention and no diaper bag needed!) I even let them take a later nap that afternoon because we had such a blast! There was another mom watching her daughter play and we both mentioned that the kids had the park to themselves (probably because it was nap time) and she told me that she was off from work today also and didn't mind her daughter straying away from her schedule...she read my mind! Ryan and I had both been busy with work and the house so it was great to take a time out. Love these moments in life!

Nora turns 2!

This post is long over due! I needed a few more pictures to complete it. My sister took a few and I kept forgetting to have her send them! 

I honestly can not believe that Nora is only two! Most moms would be saying they can't believe she is two but I feel as if she has been two for quite sometime! Seems like she should have turned three! 

Fun facts about miss Nora: she is very mature, loves to "mother" people, plays well by herself, can be very serious, loves to read books, have tea parties with her babies and stuffed animals. She is the doctor in the house, id a great patient at the real doctor's office, loves pickels as a bedtime snack, eats lemons like it's no big deal, is good at pronouncing words and loves to sing and dance. She is very polite. Nora is still in the 90's percentile for both height and weight. Sofia the first, frozen, doc mcstuffins and caillou are her favorite shows to watch. Nora always asks me to watch videos on my phone, Katy Perry "Roar" is her favorite right now. She loves her brother and mimics everything Nolan does. If he wants a juice, I might as well grab two because she is next to ask for it! I feel like Nora was in "the terrible twos" before she turned two and now she has really gotten to "big girl" status! She has her moments but for the most part, is a lot more behaved. Maybe she has settled down since the move?!
Nora ready for the day! With her birthday being the day before Halloween, there is always lots of excitement and things to do. Aunt Sara came to pick Nora up and take her to build-a-bear and ride the horses while Ryan and I went to Nolan's first Halloween party at school! After school, we all went out for a birthday lunch. After Ryan came home from work, we cooked a nice dinner and opened gifts while we ate cake.

Nora chose a Frozen theme for her birthday party. We had it the day after Halloween and it was the first party at the new house. We had a lot of fun!

Happy, happy, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. 
Make a special birthday wish and may all your wishes come true.
We all love you, we're here to celebrate you.
We all love you, we're here to celebrate you!

I feel so blessed to be your mommy! Can't wait to watch you grow this next year:)