Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Sleep Baby, Sleep!"

Nora for sometime now has been impossible to put to sleep! You could say she's "adjusting" to her big girl bed or it's the "terrible twos" but whatever it is, I'm not getting time to myself to get things done when the kids go down. My favoraite quote to say to myself is, "it's only a phase."
I've tried every approach to getting her down to sleep. Unfortunately,  when Ryan is home in time to help put the kids to bed, that works the best when we are a team. In the afternoons, they play off each other and run out of their rooms. Nora just laughs at me when I discipline her...not cool! I have had to really think back to all those Nanny shows I watched when I didn't have any kids because nora does not care if she gets into trouble. Nolan still wants to take a nap and be rocked (love this! ) to sleep. I've been telling him to play in his room while I put her down but she takes forever to fall asleep! Sometimes I try the reverse so he at least gets a nap:)
Some days we go without naps, somedays they both get naps and other days it may be one of them. When they both go down, they sleep gor 2-3 hours and i get a lot done so we aim for that. I know they are tired and need to at least "rest". Hopefully we get a new routine down in the new house!
By the way, Nora still sleeps in a crib at my parent's house and goes right to bed:)

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