Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Cookout

We were invited to our family's friends house for a fire and cookout. My mom and dad had taken the kids at lunch time so they could put them to sleep at their house while I packed with my aunt and grandma. We were going to start moving stuff to the garge in the new house the next day. Ryan had his family's golf outing that day so we were busy! After a long day of hard work, I took a break for some fall fun at the Black's house. I met up with my parents and the kids just in time for dinner!

Love this time of year! Thanks for the pictures Charlotte:)

"Sleep Baby, Sleep!"

Nora for sometime now has been impossible to put to sleep! You could say she's "adjusting" to her big girl bed or it's the "terrible twos" but whatever it is, I'm not getting time to myself to get things done when the kids go down. My favoraite quote to say to myself is, "it's only a phase."
I've tried every approach to getting her down to sleep. Unfortunately,  when Ryan is home in time to help put the kids to bed, that works the best when we are a team. In the afternoons, they play off each other and run out of their rooms. Nora just laughs at me when I discipline her...not cool! I have had to really think back to all those Nanny shows I watched when I didn't have any kids because nora does not care if she gets into trouble. Nolan still wants to take a nap and be rocked (love this! ) to sleep. I've been telling him to play in his room while I put her down but she takes forever to fall asleep! Sometimes I try the reverse so he at least gets a nap:)
Some days we go without naps, somedays they both get naps and other days it may be one of them. When they both go down, they sleep gor 2-3 hours and i get a lot done so we aim for that. I know they are tired and need to at least "rest". Hopefully we get a new routine down in the new house!
By the way, Nora still sleeps in a crib at my parent's house and goes right to bed:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New House Projects

Things have been very busy at the Davlin household! We have been preparing for the move to our new home (more to come on that) and the kids and I have been busying working on projects!
I love a good project but haven't had too much time to myself to complete them without the kids. Ryan has been busy with work and out of town but I'm determined to get everything done before we move, with or without the kids help!
My sister and I went "antique" shopping at a few places in town (still would love to go out of town and do this) while my mom put the kids to sleep. Nora has been impossible to put down and she thought she would give it a try at my house...which is another post but gave me an afternoon out with my sis.
We had a lot of luck! Sara found a kitchen table and chairs while I found two chairs for the living room to be reapolstired at the first place we went to. We went back to the next place to see if the sofa table for my entry way was still there. It was waiting for me! The price was $29.95 and had two little end tables underneath of it that were glued to the main table (three tables for the price of one!). It looked like a bad diy project gone wrong! We got up to the counter to pay and the lady told me it was going to be a little over $16! I asked why it was less and found out that all furniture was half off today!!!! They should tell ya that kinda thing when you walk in but regardless, I was beyond excited...and went back for more:) I found a bench that has a detailed back to it for Nora's room (she loves to read and I'm doing something special in both kid's rooms so they're extra excited to be in our new home) bar stools for the basement, and a coffee table, along with a few frames. My total for this stop was right under $70!

The kids were incharge of their own DIY project... Hanging Art for each of their rooms! I gave them a large stretched canvas and the colors of paint that will be in their rooms and let them create!

I think they turned out great! 

All of the pieces I purchased need sanding, painting and a little TLC before they can enter the new house. Here are just a few pics so far...

The middle black color is chalk board paint-the kids have had the best time with this!