Sunday, August 10, 2014

It's All About Nora...No Crib, No Diapers, No Problem?

Update on Big Girl Bed:

Not even two hours after I posted about Nora's big girl bed, we were out at a garage sale (looking for old furniture to redo) and came across a twin bed that included a mattress, box spring and frame for only $30! I hesitated at first but after looking at it (and knowing we were in a nice subdivision) I realized it did not even look like it was used...Nora's bed is newer than Nolan's! Problem solved! Twin bed it is! Pictures coming soon!

Potty Training:

Nora was forced into potty training this past Friday when Ryan took the wrong car to work. It had both the car seats in it and the big box of diapers we had bought the night before! I still can't believe he got in the wrong car and the kids and I were waving to him on the porch as he was pulling out of the driveway! Anyway, when I say forced...I mean it more or less forced me to start the training! She has been "ready" for awhile now but because she did not like the idea of being without her diaper, I thought we should wait a little longer. Nora was taking her diaper off after she went potty and that was not ok!

Of course she cried when I told her we really didn't have anymore diapers and that she had to wear the pretty big girl pants that I had bought for her (glad I picked them up ahead of time, so not like me) in her drawer. After throwing a fit, she got out a pair of big girls pants and we have not had a diaper on since!

To my surprise she is really picking up on this potty training thing. She drinks so much, which means she has to go a lot but all in all, she gets to the potty 75% of the time? A few accidents a day is not too bad. The candy reward helps! For the next week, as the accidents decrease, we will stick close to home...too bad Ryan had to go to San Diego until Wednesday...he's missing all the excitement!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Nora's In A Big Girl Bed!

Last night was the second night Nora slept in her big girl bed! She was so excited, I was not:( Do I really not have a baby in a crib anymore? I remember when both kids were in a crib and bedtime consisted of reading, rocking and putting them in their crib and shutting the door. Now I have two sets of little feet in the hall, trying to think of a reason why they should be able to come out of their rooms!

The other morning, Nora fell out of her crib for the second time in a week (I already had pillows around her crib and all furniture was moved away from it because I knew this was coming) and we immediately got rid of the crib and big girl bed it is! There's just one problem. I can't seem to make up my mind (shocker) on which bed she should have? We may or may not move within the next few months and I have two beds in "storage" but one needs a few additional items we have to buy or do I just get a twin bed? Until then, because this was something that happened over night, this is her bed for now...

Nolan was just as excited as she was and wanted to sleep with her!
Surprisingly, it did not take as long putting her to bed as I thought it would. This girl loves to sleep and after escaping a few times, she was tired and gave up!
Before I went to bed I checked to make sure she fell asleep in her bed and found her laying like sweet! The next morning, Ryan and I found her in the middle of the room curled up in a ball. I guess it's good she has a small bed to get out of in the middle of the night!
Next up, potting training! I really do not want to do two "new" things at once but Nora makes me change her every time she goes potty and sometimes brings me "stuff" that's in her diaper (ewww!) so I think and hope she is ready!