Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Milestones & Memories

The title of this first post says it all!

Starting a blog has always been something that I've had on my "to do list" since we had our first baby. I never thought that I could commit to the blog on a consistant basis but at this point, anything I write is better than nothing! With time flying by, our five year wedding anniversary approaching and our two babies doing something new everyday, I decided it was time for some help! I need for our pictures and memories to be organized, in turn, making me feel more organized. With some encouragement from my husband (he came up with the title of the blog and really wanted me to do it) and a friend, I am excited to start documenting the Davlin's milestones and memories! To make up for lost time, I will feature both past and present memories. Maybe even have my hubby do a post or two!? Ready...set...go!

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