Monday, July 27, 2015


I am so excited to announce that Ryan has passed his CFP and added a few more letters behind his name!!!

All of his hard work has really paid off! His countless hours of studying, classes and time away from us has all been worth it. Congrats Ryan! We are so proud of you!!!

Nora Update: 2 1/2 years old

Nora is two and a half and I can't believe how big my baby is getting! (She was 2.5 on April 30th...I must not of hit publish!)

She wants to twirl all the time.

Big girl braid!

Still struggling with naps.

Still quite the mature little girl.

First pedicure

Returning from my hiatus...with some exciting news!

My last post was forever ago and a LOT has happened since then! I was just getting on top of the blog when I started to not feel good.

We left for Florida on a family trip for ten days and when we returned on Mother's Day, I took a pregnancy test...and it was positive!!! Talk about a great mother's day gift! We are beyond excited about baby number three and can't wait to meet him or her!

Now that I finally feel like myself, I will start blogging again! Get ready for a flood of "memories & milestones!"